Kim, Hyung-Sun was born on February 10, 1939 in Chollanam-do Yochon, Republic of Korea.
Kim, Hyung-Sun was born on February 10, 1939 in Chollanam-do Yochon, Republic of Korea.
Graduate in Law, Seoul National University, 1962. Graduate in Law, Seoul National University, 1963.
Judge advisory Korean Navy, 1963-1966. Judge Kwangju District Court, 1966-1969, Pusan District Court, 1969-1971, Seoul Civil District Court, 1971-1974, Seoul Criminal District Court, 1974-1975, Taegu High Court Appeals, 1975-1977. Research judge Supreme Court Republic of Korea, 1977-1979.
Judge Seoul High Court Appeals, 1979-1980. Chief judge Wonju branch Chunchon District Court, 1980-1981. Presiding judge Seoul Civil District, 1981-1982.
Professor Judicial Research and Training Institute, 1982-1985. Presiding judge Seoul High Court Appeals, 1984-1985, Taegu High Court Appeals, 1985-1986, Seoul High Court Appeals, 1986-1993. Chief judge Cheju District Court, 1993, Busan District Court, 1993, Suwon District Court, 1993-1994.
Commissioner development committee Judicial Research and Training Institute, 1996. Judge criminal department 2 Supreme Court Korea, 1994, justice, 1996—2000.
3 children.