Belle Golding was born at Tambaroora, Wellington County, New South Wales to Joseph Golding (died 1890), a gold-miner from Galway, Ireland, and his Scottish wife, Ann (died 1906. Née Fraser).
Belle Golding was born at Tambaroora, Wellington County, New South Wales to Joseph Golding (died 1890), a gold-miner from Galway, Ireland, and his Scottish wife, Ann (died 1906. Née Fraser).
In May 1900, Belle Golding became the first female inspector of public schools in Australia. Under the Early Closing Acting of 1899, Golding became Australia"s first female inspector of public schools. Throughout her career as a public servant, Golding exercised her passion for improving the conditions of living for women, often documenting health and employment concerns unique to women.
Later, when the Wage Arbitration Acting passed, she was made an industrial inspector.
The first and (as of 1940) the only woman to be named Chair of a Wage Board. In that position she was able to settle the dispute between the Fruiterers and Confectioners" Employees" Union.
The dispute was settled in 7.5 hours, and the award ran its full term. After retiring due to ill health in 1927, Golding died, aged 76, on 11 December 1940 at Annandale, New South Wales.