Jack Richard Salamanca was born on December 10, 1922, in St. Petersburg, Florida. He was the son of Raoul Salamanca del Barco, a civil engineer, and Lucy Nuttall Salamanca del Barco, a writer.
2121 I St NW, Washington, DC 20052, United States
From 1939 to 1942, Salamanca attended George Washington University.
62-64 Gower St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 6ED, United Kingdom
Salamanca received a diploma from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, in 1953.
Senate House, Malet St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HU, United Kingdom
Salamanca received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of London in 1954.
Marylebone Rd, Marylebone, London NW1 5HT, United Kingdom
In 1955, Jack received a diploma from the Royal Academy of Music in London.
620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20064, United States
Jack studied acting at the Catholic University of America.
Air Medal
Salamanca with his crew chief, Ed Robinson, on leave in Sydney, Australia, 1943
Salamanca while being a college student and amateur actor, 1940
College Park, MD 20742, United States
J. R. Salamanca on the faculty of the English department of the University of Maryland at College Park, 1968
(The Lost Country is the story of a boy, Jim Blackstarr, w...)
The Lost Country is the story of a boy, Jim Blackstarr, who grows up on a farm in Virginia. As a child, he delights in the beauty that surrounds him: the rivers and hills and trees, the seasons of the year, all the shapes and textures and patterns of his world. But as he grows older, he makes other discoveries. He experiences brutality, passion, fear, shame. These experiences destroy the simplicity of his early relationships; they complicate and darken his later ones. Ultimately, the drive him---as they drive all men---out of, and away from, the country of his youth.
(A Sea Change is about the havoc wrought in marriage by th...)
A Sea Change is about the havoc wrought in marriage by the ebbing of desire, about the impossibility of willing oneself to love-and the ways in which, attempting the impossible, men drift into cruelties of which they would have believed themselves incapable. It is the richest and most ambitious work of a greatly gifted novelist.
(Southern Light tells the story of Dr. Carl Ransome, a lon...)
Southern Light tells the story of Dr. Carl Ransome, a lonely and disillusioned man who, in retirement, has found a haven on a small island in Chesapeake Bay. Here he encounters the tormented sightless woman Sylvie, and together they are drawn into a web of confession and self-disclosure. Ransome's story, as it pours from him after a lifetime of suppression, reveals a man whose marriage, whose fatherhood, whose lifelong service to the poor and ill have all been traduced and meaningless; a man whose ultimate moral abdication has involved the death of a child.
(Benedict Oakshaw, a gifted young American actor at London...)
Benedict Oakshaw, a gifted young American actor at London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, abandons his intense affair with the brilliant, unconventional Jill to marry Priscilla. Returning to the States, Ben also abandons the theater, becoming the enormously successful owner of a major ad agency in Washington D.C. Years later, Priscilla and Ben meet Jill, and Priscilla invites the actor and her companion to join them on their annual summer vacation. Ben briefly resumes his love affair with Jill, and there are surprising and terrible consequences of Ben's self-absorption and betrayal.
Jack Richard Salamanca was born on December 10, 1922, in St. Petersburg, Florida. He was the son of Raoul Salamanca del Barco, a civil engineer, and Lucy Nuttall Salamanca del Barco, a writer.
From 1939 to 1942, Salamanca attended George Washington University. He also received a diploma from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, in 1953, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of London in 1954.
In 1955, Jack received a diploma from the Royal Academy of Music in London, and studied acting at the Catholic University of America.
Jack Richard Salamanca served for three years in the U.S. Army Air Corps. For many years, he served as a professor of English and creative writing at Wayne State University, at the University of Connecticut and at the University of Maryland.
Salamanca is the author of the novels The Lost Country (1958), Lilith (1961), A Sea Change (1969), Embarkation (1973), Southern Light (1986) and That Summer’s Trance (2000). The Lost Country was filmed as Wild In The Country, Twentieth century-fox, 1961. The movie Lilith was directed by Robert Rossen for Columbia in 1964.
(A Sea Change is about the havoc wrought in marriage by th...)
1969(Benedict Oakshaw, a gifted young American actor at London...)
2000(The Lost Country is the story of a boy, Jim Blackstarr, w...)
1958(Southern Light tells the story of Dr. Carl Ransome, a lon...)
1986In 1945, Salamanca married Cecilia Garcia, but they divorced in 1950. The same year, he married Mimi Norton, an actress. Jack and Mimi had one son, Richard.