Winds of the northern hemisphere
(This historic book may have numerous typos and missing te...)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1852 Excerpt: ... will modify these motions. As the heated air at the equator rises, and attempts to flow northerly toward the pole, it crosses successive parallels of latitude, whose easterly motion, by virtue of the earth's diurnal revolution, is continually diminishing. But the air, retaining the easterly motion which it had at the equator, and consequently moving more rapidly in that direction than the places over which it passes, has a relative motion, as from the west, which, combined with its northerly motion, carries it toward the north-east, and finally toward the east. On the same principles, the lower current must continually veer more and more toward the west, as it approaches the equator. When we reflect that it is over 6,000 miles from the equator to the pole, while one-half of the entire atmosphere lies within seven miles of the surface of the 1 See Appendix. earth, we see that it must be quite impossible for the upper and lower currents to flow in opposite directions, one upon the other, for so great a distance, without intermingling. Each must communicate to the other its own motion by friction, and it will be only near the northern and southern extremities of the vortex, that they will be kept distinct, and each have its own proper motion. In other words, there must be a system of equatorial winds at the south, a system of polar ones at the north, and a system of blended ones between. Let us notice the necessary characteristics of each system separately. The lower current of the equatorial system proceeding southerly, and at the same time veering toward the west, constitutes the trade-winds, and it is probable that at the limit where the upper current becomes blended with the lower, no inconsiderable part of it folds under itself, and returns toward the eq...