Adams, James Donald was born on September 24, 1891 in New York City. Son of James and Mary Louise (Barron) Adams.
Adams, James Donald was born on September 24, 1891 in New York City. Son of James and Mary Louise (Barron) Adams.
AB cum laude, Harvard University, 1913.
Member, United States Geological Survey, Mount Ranier, Washington, summer 1913; teacher English, U. Washington, 1913-1914; reporter, New Bedford (Massachusetts) Evening Standard, 1915; reporter, Seattle Post Intelligencer, 1916-1917; reporter, Providence Journal, 1916-1917; assistant Sunday editor, Providence Journal, 1919; reporter, then editorial writer, New York Sun and Herald, 1920-1924; assistant editor, New York Times Book Review, 1924-1925; editor, New York Times Book Review, 1925-1943; contributing editor, conductor Page Two, weekly columnist "Speaking of Books", New York Times Book Review, from 1943. Editorial adviser Evangelical Presbyterian Dutton & Company, 1945-1946.
Chancellor American Academy Poets. With United States Army, 1917-1919. Member Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists association (delegate Edinburgh Congress, 1934, Buenos Aires, 1936), Poetry Society American (president 1945-1946), Pilgrims Society, Authors Guild Authors' League American, Society Silurians, Explorers Club, Century Club, Harvard Club, Dutch Treat Club. M C.
Married Elvine Georgievna Simeon, December 1921 (divorced). 1 child, Mary Louise Adams Orth-Pallavicini. Married Jacqueline Winston Holt, June, 1953.