Kogler, James Foley was born on October 18, 1939 in Buffalo. Son of Carl Joseph and Clara Veronica (Foley) Kogler.
lawyer practitioner Philosophy educator
Kogler, James Foley was born on October 18, 1939 in Buffalo. Son of Carl Joseph and Clara Veronica (Foley) Kogler.
Bachelor magna cum laude, Niagara U.196, 1961. STB magna cum laude, Gregorian University, 1963. Licentiate of Sacred Theology magna cum laude, Gregorian University, 1965.
Juris Doctor cum laude, State University of New York-Buffalo, 1974.
Bar: New York 1975,United States District Court (western district) New York 1975, United States Court 2nd District Court of Appea circuit) 1983. Ordained priest Roman Catholic Church, 1964. Priest Diocese of Buffalo, 1964-1970, laicized, 1970.
Professor philosophy Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missoury, 1970-1971.
Member firm Mattar, Doctorate"Agostino et al, Buffalo, 1974-1977, partner Mattar, Doctorate"Agostino, Kogler, and Runfola, Buffalo, 1977-1987. Adjunct Professor Canisius College, Buffalo, part time from 1974.
Lecturer, United States of America, Canada, Europe. panel of arbitrators American Arbitration Association, Syracuse, New York, from 1978. Member institutional review board School Medicine, State University of New York-Buffalo, from 1980.
Member of advisory rehabilitation board Buffalo Psychiatric Center, from 1982.
Member of American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Club., Thomas More Guild (president 1983-1984), New York State Trial Lawyers Association, Erie County Bar Association, Catholic Theological Society, American Philosophical Society, New York State Bar Association.
Married Susan Ruth McAvoy, March 24, 1972;children: James Edward, Alexandra Clare. Children: James Edward, Alexandra Clare.