Parker, James K. was born on July 21, 1929 in Des Moines. Son of Kermit Union and Alice J. (phillips) P. Bachelor of Science University of California at Los Los Angeles
Corporate general corporate lawyer
Parker, James K. was born on July 21, 1929 in Des Moines. Son of Kermit Union and Alice J. (phillips) P. Bachelor of Science University of California at Los Los Angeles
Bachelor of Science, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Bachelor of Laws, University California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California.
Counsel Kaiser Industries Corporation, Oakland, 1961—1968, vice president, assistant chief counsel, 1969—1970, vice president, general counsel, 1970—1977, president, 1977—1978, director, 1972—1980. Vice president Kaiser Cement Corporation, 1970—1976, Kaiser Steele Corporation, 1974—1976. Vice president, general counsel Columbia Broadcasting System Incorporated, New York York City, 1978—1981, senior vice president, general counsel, 1981—1987.
General counsel Advanced Network & Service, Inc., Elmsford, New York.