Drozdz, Jaroslaw was born on May 8, 1963 in Czestochowa, Poland. Son of Janusz and Elzbieta Drozdz.
Drozdz, Jaroslaw was born on May 8, 1963 in Czestochowa, Poland. Son of Janusz and Elzbieta Drozdz.
Doctor of Medicine, Medical University, Lodz, Poland, 1989. Doctor of Philosophy, Medical University, Lodz, Poland, 2002.
Assistant Department of Cardiology, Lodz, 1989—2002, assistant professor, since 2002.
Fellow: European Society Cardiology, Polish Cardiac Society (life. Chairman informatics committee since 1997).
Married Barbara Brzozka, July 29, 1989. Children: Aleksandra, Paulina.