CHEVENEMENT, Jean-Pierre was born on March 9, 1939 in Belfort, Territoire-de-Belfort, France. Parents: Pierre Chevenement and Juliette Chevenement (née Garessus).
CHEVENEMENT, Jean-Pierre was born on March 9, 1939 in Belfort, Territoire-de-Belfort, France. Parents: Pierre Chevenement and Juliette Chevenement (née Garessus).
Faculty of Law, Paris, degree in law and economic sciences. Institut, of Political Studies, Paris, diploma. University of Vienna, diploma in German.
National School of Admin., 1963-1965.
Commercial Attaché, Minister of the Economy and Finance, 1965-1968. Secretary-General, Centre for Research Studies and Socialist Education (Ceres), 1965-1971. Political Secretary, Paris Socialist Federation, 1969-1970.
National Secretary, PS, 1971-1975 and 1979-1980. Member, Executive Bureau, PS, 1971-1981 and 1986. Member. Directing Committee.
PS, since 1971; Head, development programme, PS, 1971. Deputy, PS. Belfort, since 1971. Mayoral Assistant, Belfort, 1977-1983.
Mayor, Belfort, since 1983. Former Vice-President, Regional Council of FrancheComté. President, Regional Council of Franche-Comté, 1981-1982.
Minister of State, Ministry of Research and Technology, 1981-1982. Minister of State, Ministry of Research and Industry, 1982-1983. Minister of National Education, 1984-1986.
Member, Regional Council of Franche-Comté, 1986-1988. Member, National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee. Minister of Defence, since 1988.
Economist; commercial adviser, Djakarta, Indonesia, 1969. Member, Managing Committee, magazine, République.
L’Anarchie ou les Mandarins de la société bourgeoise, 1967. Socialisme ou Socialmédiocratie, 1969. Clefs pour le socialisme, 1973 (under the pseudonym of Jacques Mandrin).Le Vieux, la Crise, le Neuf, 1975. Le Ceres, un Combat pour le socialisme, 1975 (in a collection). Les Socialistes, les Communistes et les autres.Le Service militaire, 1977. Etre socialiste aujourd'hui, 1979. Apprendre pour entreprendre, 1985.Le Pari sur l’intelligence, 1985.
Board Directors Reperes magazine. 1986-1988, former Vice.
Spouse Nisa Chevenement (née Grunberg), 1970. Children: Raphaël, JeanChristophe.