Metaxas, John C. was born on February 26, 1958 in New York City.
Metaxas, John C. was born on February 26, 1958 in New York City.
Bachelor, Columbia College, 1980; Master of Science, Columbia University, 1983; Juris Doctor, Columbia University, 1984.
Production coordinator ABC Sports, New York City, Los Angeles, 1984-1985. Staff reporter The National Law Journal, New York City, 1985-1987, legal editor, 1987. Reportorial producer ABC News, 1987-1990.
Correspondent Consumer News and Business Channel, 1990-1993. Business news anchor WFSB-television, 1993-1994. Anchor, correspondent Cable News Network Finance News, since 1994.
Chairman WKCR Alumni Advisory Board, Columbia University, since 1986.