Wilson, John Francis was born on November 4, 1937 in Springfield, Missouri, United States. Son of Frederick Marion and Jessie Ferrell (Latimer) Wilson.
( KEY BENEFIT: Written around the theme of religion and ...)
KEY BENEFIT: Written around the theme of religion and human culture, this introductory book provides a brief coverage of all aspects of religious studies and all major religions of the world. Provides four different approaches to defining religion which results in a view of religion that is at the same time personally appealing and factual.
archaeologist religious studies educator
Wilson, John Francis was born on November 4, 1937 in Springfield, Missouri, United States. Son of Frederick Marion and Jessie Ferrell (Latimer) Wilson.
Bachelor, Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, 1959. Master of Arts, Harding University, Memphis, 1961. Doctor of Philosophy, University Iowa, 1967.
Director, Christian Student Center, Springfield, 1959-1973; professor religious studies, S.W. Missouri State University, Springfield, 1961-1983; professor of religion, dean Seaver College Arts, Letters and Sciences, Pepperdine U., Malibu, California, 1983-1998; director, Institute for the Study of Religion and Archaeology, since 1998.
( KEY BENEFIT: Written around the theme of religion and ...)
Member Archaeol. Institute American, American Schools of Oriental Research, Society Bib. Literature, American Numismatic Society, Palestine Exploration Society.
Married L. Claudette Faulk, June 9, 1961. Children: Laura, Amy, Emily.