Hill, John Glenwood was born on August 2, 1929 in Hartford, Connecticut, United States.
Hill, John Glenwood was born on August 2, 1929 in Hartford, Connecticut, United States.
Student, The College, The Law, 1972.
Bar: Connecticut 1954, United States District Court Connecticut 1956, Supreme Court of the United States Court 1971. Massachusetts 1977, United States District Court Massachusetts 1978, Wis.1980. Assistant attorney general, counsel public Utilities Commissioner, State of Connecticut, 1958-1967.
General counsel U. Connecticut, Storrs, 1967-1976, Boston University, 1976-1980, Marquette University, Milwaukee, since 1980.
Director Colloquium on Anglo American Law, London, 1984, 86.
Served with United States Coast Guard, 1954-1956. Member National Association College and University Attorneys (Executive Board 1980-1983).
Married Barbara Oppel, November 12, 1955. Children: John G., Ellen East. Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, University Connecticut.