MacArthur, John P. was born on August 24, 1929 in Buffalo. Son of Charles P. and Katheryn (Carpenter) MacA.
MacArthur, John P. was born on August 24, 1929 in Buffalo. Son of Charles P. and Katheryn (Carpenter) MacA.
AB, Yale University, 1952. Bachelor of Laws, University Buffalo, 1956.
Sole practice, Buffalo, 1956-1958. Assistant United States attorney We. District New York, 1958-1960.
Assistant counsel New York State Thruway Authority, Albany, 1960-1961. Assistant attorney general State of New York, 1961-1962. Sole practice, since 1962.
Member New York State Bar Association.
Married Katharine Buckland, March 23, 1957. Children: Linda, James, William, Robert.