Harris, John Weldon was born on January 21, 1939 in Houston, Texas, United States. Son of Woodson and Lydia (Wegner) Harris.
Harris, John Weldon was born on January 21, 1939 in Houston, Texas, United States. Son of Woodson and Lydia (Wegner) Harris.
Children from a previous marriage: Cynthia Suzanne, Christyne Elizabeth. Bachelor, Southwestern University, 1961;Juris Doctor, University Texas, 1966. Certified specialist family law.
Bar: Texas 1966, United States District Court (western district) Texas 1975, Supreme Court of the United States Court 1976, United States Court Appeals (5th circuit) 1977, United States Tax Court 1978, United States Court Customs and Patent Appeals 1978, United States Court Military Appeals 1978. Association West.G. Walley Junior, Beaumont, Texas, 1966-1967, McKool, McKool, Jones & Shoemaker, Dallas, 1968. Private practice, Austin, Texas, 1968.
Legal counselor Greater South Austin Junior Football League, 1970-1977.
Member selection and compensation and tenure State-Judge-State Bar Committee, Austin, 1982-1984. Member Supreme Court Texas Child Support Guidelines Advisory Committee, 1986-1987.
President South Austin Civic Club, 1974.
Community advisory committee Becker Elementary School, 2006—2007. Member of Travis County Family Advisers, Federalist Society, Texas Academy Family Law Specialists, Central Texas Estate Counsel (board director 1983-1984), Central Texas Family Law Council (chapter co-founder 1980), Travis County Bar Association (criminal law and procedure section 1971), Hunters and Chasers Society Greater McDade Texas (chapter founder), South Austin Civic Club, Austin Archery Club, Austin Woods and Waters Club, Lions.
Married Donna Lollar Green, January 16, 1993. Children from a previous marriage: Cynthia Suzanne, Christyne Elizabeth.