Lindley, Jolie Beth was born on September 23, 1969 in Louisville. Daughter of Robert Benton and Cheryl Ann Lindley.
choreographer educator actress
Lindley, Jolie Beth was born on September 23, 1969 in Louisville. Daughter of Robert Benton and Cheryl Ann Lindley.
Bachelor, Butler University, Indianapolis, 1992. Master in Liberal Studies, Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, 2004.
Choreographer Paoli High School Band, Indiana, since 1988. Journalism and speech teacher Brownsburg Community Schools, 1995—1997. Choreographer Washington County Children's Theatre, Salem, since 1996.
Journalism and theatre teacher Greater Clark County Schools, Jeffersonville, since 1997.
President Miss Indiana Association Local Pageants, Zionsville, since 2005. Executive director Miss Southern Heartland Pageant, Paoli, since 1999. Member Washington County Actors Community Theatre.
Member of Journalism Education Association, Delta Delta Delta.