Ph.D. (with Honors) in Economics and Business Administration, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. Ph.D. (with Honors) in Sociology and Political Sciences, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain. Research Professor, EGADE Business School-Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. Invited Professor, The Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador. International Invited Professor, Autonomous University of Manizales, Colombia.
Born in Madrid, Spain, on March 22nd, 1964, José Manuel Saiz Álvarez began studying at the age of 4 in La Salle-Maravillas Kindergarten and School, where he finished High School. Dr. Saiz-Alvarez is now an internationally recognized professor and researcher endowed with two Ph.D. with honors and substantial international experience, as a professor, speaker, consultant and researcher with more 100 conferences and lectures, and more than 300 publications.
B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration, San Pablo-CEU University-Luis Vives and specialization in Economic Theory, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. During his undergraduate years, he expanded studies in seminars and courses at University of South Florida (USA), Menéndez Pelayo International University (Spain), London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (UK), University of Cambridge (UK), Université Lumière-Lyon 2 (France), Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris (France), Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), and Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain). Prior of his Ph.D. degrees, he fulfilled postgraduate studies at the Spanish Ministry of Commerce & Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Spain), Colegio de Economistas de Madrid (Spain), Royal Complutense College at Harvard (USA), and the National University of Distance Education (Spain). Ph.D. with Honors in Economics and Business Administration, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), and Ph.D. with Honors in Sociology and Political Sciences, Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain). Post-PhD courses and seminars at Tallinn University (Estonia), University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Duke University (USA), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), and Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico).
ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Dr. Saiz-Alvarez is officially accredited by the Spanish Agency of Quality Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA). Visiting Professor at TEC de Monterrey (Mexico), EAN University (Colombia), and the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil (Ecuador). Member of the Latin-American Family Business Net based on Colombia. Co-founder of the International Center of Research on Solidarity Economy, based at the Metropolitan University of Puerto Rico. His teaching activity has been mainly based on five broad areas of knowledge: Economic Theory, Social Change, Economic Structure (mainly, Economic Integration, Outsourcing, and Labor Market), Applied Economics, and Financial & Stock Markets. Member of the Editorial Board and referee of numerous national and international journals. Who’s Who in the World, from the 2011 Edition. He has given more than one hundred lectures in Europe and America and is the author of more than two hundred publications in his specialty. To date, he has supervised 70 doctoral theses (Nebrija University and Pontifical University of Salamanca from students coming from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, USA, and Venezuela.
PAST EXPERIENCE. He has been Academic Director for Business Administration Doctoral Studies, Nebrija University (Spain). Honorary Professor, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). President of FIEC Institute. As a researcher, he has done research at the Eastern European Institute, Complutense University (Spain), Autonomous University of Madrid, Pontifical University of Salamanca, and Nebrija University. Member of the International Committee of Economics and Finance, Scientific World Net (Peru).
From 1999 he actively supports Catholic Church's missions (Sisters of Ste. Anne's Charity & different foundations) in Latin American, the Caribbean, and the Phillippines by being the godfather of boys and girls and granting students from Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Phillippines, and Venezuela. He also finances studies to novices of the Daughters of Mary of the Sacred Heart (Catholic Church) to be contemplative nuns
As a member of some noble and para-nobiliary highly-prestigious corporations in Spain, he is a defender of the Spanish monarchy because the King of Spain guarantees the unity of the nation.
Being active as a non-profit lender in KIVA, the largest microfinance organization in the world, and using crowfunding Saiz-Alvarez has directly helped to more than 2,500 poor people located in 65 countries. Two-thirds of Saiz-Alvarez's beneficiaries are women, and more than 90% of loans have been given in Latin American and the Caribbean countries, included the Phillippines.
Hard-working, polyglot (seven languages), a friend of his friends, endowed with an innate scientific curiosity, he seems a man of the Renaissance. He likes to help others. He loves skiing, trekking, and climbing mountains (as long as they are not technically challenging and risky to climb)
Quotes from others about the person
Tamáriz Alvarez (from LinkedIn-Manager Global Trade & Receivable Finance – Senior IFM at HSBC, UK): "I am very proud to have had the opportunity of learning from Jose Manuel both personally and professionally. When he was my professor of International Trade at the University, the passion he put into his lessons certainly influenced me to pursue a career in this fascinating sector. I was very fortunate to have him as my supervisor for my BA thesis, as it gave me the opportunity to work much more closely with him and benefit from his detailed knowledge and experience in this field. I would have no hesitation to recommend Jose Manuel for his intelligence, vast knowledge, passion, and dedication to his work".
Yingying Zhang, Ph.D. (from LinkedIn-Full-time Professor at CUNEF, Spain & Researcher).- "José Manuel is an excellent coordinator for a wonderful Ph.D. program and a group of enthusiastic doctoral students that he gathers and manages. It was a nice experience working with him within this program"
Beatriz Calvo Rodríguez (from LinkedIn-PMP Técnico de ofertas y responsable de CRM en Securitas Seguridad España).- "He tenido el inmenso placer de ser alumna durante la carrera del Prof. Doctor José Manuel Saiz, en la asignatura de Microeconomía. Debido a esto y porque creo que no hay mejor recomendación que aquella que viene de aquel que te ha visto trabajar en el día a día, puedo decir con seguridad que el profesor tiene un estilo único en su labor docente. Es complicado encontrar una persona tan leal a su entorno y tan convencido de lo que dice, que la pasión y arrojo con la que se dedica a su audiencia engancha desde el primer momento. Pero ya no es que haya hecho de la docencia su modo de vida sino que la alegría y la sonrisa con que recibe a sus alumnos cada día hace pensar que realmente le hace feliz lo que hace. Y qué mejor acicate para no perderse una clase que el conocimiento pleno de que aquel que la imparte es feliz al hacerlo y así lo demuestra. Buen sentido del humor, disciplina, excelente persona y vocación creo que son algunas de las características que definen al profesor. Además, su capacidad de movilidad geográfica es asombrosa, tan pronto está en Madrid dando clase en la universidad como está de conferenciante en Estambul, México, Colombia, o donde le llamen, siempre con un tremendo respeto por aquello que hace y con su característica sonrisa. Sin su incondicional ayuda, a pesar de su escaso tiempo, muchos proyectos universitarios no hubieran salido adelante. Por esto y por mucho más, recomiendo absolutamente la actividad de este gran profesor".
Neeta Baporikar, Ph.D. (from LinkedIn-Professor/Director (Business Management), HP-GSB, Namibia University of Science and Technology).- "Dr. José Manuel and I have been associated during a research project which has been completed successfully. I found his professional commitment and academic sincerity to be of a high order. Apart from that, his contribution to the project was immense. In terms of research, his work has been of excellent quality. I wish all the best in his future endeavors!"
Trinidad Cortés Puya, Ph.D. (from LinkedIn-Lecturer at UNIR Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain): "I’ve been working with Dr. José Manuel Saiz Álvarez since 2012 within the BA Doctoral Programme at Nebrija University. During this period, he has been open and generous with me. As a Director, he has illustrated to me about best practices for mentoring and the advisor’s responsibilities and techniques. It has been a pleasure to share with him examining boards, where he always gives the students a direct and positive guide. He is also a formal academic with multiple published articles and books".
Mayra E. García González, Ph.D. (from LinkedIn-Professor at Universidad Regiomontana, México): Dr. José Manuel Saiz is a leader in the implementation of cutting-edge academic programs. He also has a great ability to propose new concepts that force you to rethink your social, political and economic ideas focusing on a long term vision. Dr. Saiz has a natural ability to communicate with students and colleagues encouraging them to overcome their own limits.
Mirian García Campos (from LinkedIn-Supply Chain Manager): "José Manuel fue un excelente profesor de Economía Financiera durante mis estudios de Ingeniería de Organización Industrial en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, en Madrid. Durante esos dos años de formación, nos impartió conocimientos financieros aplicados a la gestión empresarial. José Manuel es un profesional experto en Economía con grandes habilidades para la docencia, hecho que facilitaba la comprensión y el seguimiento de sus clases. Recomendaría a José Manuel para la realización de trabajos del sector económico dentro del mundo empresarial como docente".
Carlos de Liniers (from LinkedIn-IT Global Services Manager at BBVA, Spain): "José Manuel no sólo es un profesor que sabe transmitir el conocimiento de forma excepcional, sino que a su vez es un excelente "coach" que trata de motivar a sus alumnos. Quizás fue el profesor del que más información retuve de todas las materias que cursé a lo largo de la carrera. Soy testigo de que en mitad de una de sus clases de Mercados Financieros en 2006, nos predijo que en los próximos años iba a haber una crisis económica en España, provocada por la burbuja inmobiliaria que por aquel entonces todavía seguía hinchándose. Dos años después, lo que en aquellos momentos nos pareció a todos bastante exagerado y alarmista, lamentablemente se hizo realidad".