Brigham-Grette, Julie was born on January 11, 1955 in Albion, Michigan, United States. Daughter of Jesse William Junior and Betty Ann Brigham.
Brigham-Grette, Julie was born on January 11, 1955 in Albion, Michigan, United States. Daughter of Jesse William Junior and Betty Ann Brigham.
Bachelor magna cum laude, Albion College, 1977; Master of Science, U. Colorado, Boulder, 1980; Doctor of Philosophy, U. Colorado, Boulder, 1985.
Postdoctoral fellow department geology, U. Bergen, Norway, 1983-1984; postdoctoral fellow department geology, U. Alberta/Geological Survey of Canada, Edmonton, 1985-1987; assistant professor department geology and geography, U. Massachusetts, Amherst, 1987-1993; associate professor, U. Massachusetts, Amherst, since 1993. Visiting professor Alaska Quaternary Center, Fairbanks, 1990.
Member Geological Society American (division panel 1988-1990, Harold T. Stearns fellow 1981, Mackin award 1981), American Quaternary Association (secretary since 1990), Canada Quaternary Association, Association Women Geoscientists (Outstanding Woman Geoscientist 1981), International Glaciology Society, American Geophysical Union, Arctic Institute.N.Am.
Married Roger OlafGrette, September 24, 1983. Children: Karl Olaf, Erik William.