Moran, Julie Lumpkin was born on July 22, 1963 in Madrid, Spain. Daughter of Lee R. and Mona Fay L.
Moran, Julie Lumpkin was born on July 22, 1963 in Madrid, Spain. Daughter of Lee R. and Mona Fay L.
Student, Scripps College, 1981-1983; Bachelor magna cum laude, State University of New York, Binghamton, 1984; Juris Doctor, Fordham University, 1988.
Summer associate, Cahill, Gordon & Reindel, New York City, 1987; associate, Townley & Updike, New York City, 1988-1990; freelance writer, Yonkers, since 1990; private practice law, Yonkers, since 1990. In-house counsel, board directors Pelhamdale Avenue Owner's Corporation, Pelham, 1990-1993. Researcher for book for dean Fordham University Law School, 1986.
Pro bono attorney New York County Lawyer's Association Programs, 1990-1991. Member American Bar Association (subcommittee residential real estate and mortgages), Westchester Women's Bar Association, Bar of City of New York, American Society Journalists and Authors, Fordham Law Review, Phi Beta Kappa.
Married Sean Michael Moran, June 11, 1988. Children: Katherine Elizabeth, Sean Michael Junior.