Heppe, Karol Virginia was born on March 14, 1958 in Vinton, Iowa, United States. Daughter of Robert Henry and Audry Virginia Heppe.
Heppe, Karol Virginia was born on March 14, 1958 in Vinton, Iowa, United States. Daughter of Robert Henry and Audry Virginia Heppe.
Bachelor in Law and Society, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1982; Juris Doctor, People's College of Law, 1989.
Community organizer, Oregon Fair Share, Eugene, 1983; law clerk, Legal Aid Foundation Los Angeles, summer 1986; development director, Control American Refugee Center, Los Angeles, 1987-1989; executive director, Police Watch-The Police Misconduct Lawyer Referral Svc., Los Angeles, 1989-1994; instructor, People's College of Law, Los Angeles, 1992-1994; director alternative sentencing project, Center Juvenile and Criminal Justice, 1994-1995; consultant, Bay Area Police Watch, 1996; investigator Office of Citizen Complaints, City and County of San Francisco, since 1998. Volunteer law clerk Legal Aid Foundation Los Angeles, 1984-1986, Lane County Legal Aid Svc., Eugene, 1983.
Board of directors People's College of Law, 1985-1990, Law Student Civil Rights Research Council, New York City, 1986. Board directors, law student organizer National Lawyers' Guild, Los Angeles, 1984-1987. Member Coalition for Human Immigrants Rights, 1991-1992, Southern California Civil Rights Coalition, 1991-1992.
Board directors Bay Area National Lawyers Guild, since 1997.