PHARAON, Khairy Aref was born on August 13, 1921 in Al Quds, Palestine.
Charge d’affaires Saudi Embassy in Somalia
PHARAON, Khairy Aref was born on August 13, 1921 in Al Quds, Palestine.
Received Palestine Government Baccalaureat.
Attache, Saudi Embassy, Paris 1950-1956. Third Secretary, Saudi Embassy, Tunis 1957-1959, Bonn, 1960-1961. Head, Translation Bureau, Foreign Ministry 1961-1962.
Second Secretary, Saudi Embassy, Athens 1964-1967. First Secretary, Saudi Embassy, Senegal 1968-1971. Counsellor, Saudi Embassy, Teheran 1972-1974.
Delegate to Conference of International Aviation, Paris 1950, International Red Cross and Red Crescent, Teheran, United Nations Session, Paris, 1952. Charge d’affaires, Saudi Embassy in Somalia.
To ensure the preservation of human life, Allah legislated for marriage, healthy eating and living, and forbid the taking of life and laid down punishments for doing so.