Krlín, Ladislav was born on June 19, 1932 in Prague, Czech Republic. Son of Vojtech and Marie (Cekalová) Krlín.
Krlín, Ladislav was born on June 19, 1932 in Prague, Czech Republic. Son of Vojtech and Marie (Cekalová) Krlín.
Diploma in electrotechnical engineering, Czech Technology University, 1956. Doctor of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1964. Doctor of Science, Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1991.
Researcher Institute Plasma Physics Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1956—1969, Czech. Academy of Sciences, 1971—1980, University Fribourg, Switzerland, 1969—1970. Visiting professor University Innsbruck, Austria, 1990—1991.
Researcher & top researcher Institute Plasma Physics Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, since 1991. Associate professor Faculty Mathematics & Physics, Charles University, since 2004. Lecturer faculty mathematics physics Charles University, Prague, since 1991, branch council, since 1992.
Branch council Grant Agency, Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1995-1998.
Member Christian Academy of Czech Republican, since 1992. Member European Physical Society, Czech Physical Society (committee member 1974-1993), International Center for Nonlinear Studies (member preparatory science committee 1995).
Married Eva Pavlásková, June 10, 1961. Children: Jan, Tomá+368.