Schlesinger, Leber was born on November 23, 1929 in Tuscumbia, Missouri, United States. Son of Frank Samuel and Mary Jane (Burks) Schlesinger.
Schlesinger, Leber was born on November 23, 1929 in Tuscumbia, Missouri, United States. Son of Frank Samuel and Mary Jane (Burks) Schlesinger.
Student Court Reporter School, Mound City College, l954.
Court reporter Bouley, Schlesinger, Di Curti and Schippers, Tucson, since 1961.
With United States Navy, l946-5l. Member National Shortland Reporters Association (certified of merit), Arizona Shorthand Reporters Association (president l970), American Shortland Reporters, Society for Preservation and Encouragement Barbershop Quartet Singing in American, Oldtime Fiddlers Club (president l983-84).
Married Nadine Bommer, July 3, l954. Children: Aaron, Sabina.