Antonowicz, Lech was born on August 17, 1928 in Potoczany, Poland. Son of Franciszek and Stefania (Bruch) Antonowicz.
Antonowicz, Lech was born on August 17, 1928 in Potoczany, Poland. Son of Franciszek and Stefania (Bruch) Antonowicz.
Master of Political Science, Academy Political Science, Warsaw, 1951. Doctor of Legal Science, School of Foreign Service, Warsaw, 1955. Doctor of Legal Science, Institute Legal Science, Warsaw, 1963.
Associate professor public international law, School Foreign Svc., Warsaw, 1955-1960; associate professor public international law, Maria Curie-Sklodowska U., Lublin, Poland, 1960-1964; professor international law, Maria Curie-Sklodowska U., Lublin, Poland, since 1964. Dean faculty of law and administration Maria Curie-Sklodowska U., 1984-1990.
Alternate member Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, Korea, 1956. Adviser Polish Delaware, United Nations General Assembly, New York City, 1959-1961. Member of Polish Academy of Sciences (committee on legal science 1981-1983, 1991-1993), Societies Scientiarum Lublinensis (chairman section 1978-1982), International Law Association (vice president Polish branch 1993-1995).
Married Elzbieta SzymaƱska, April 27, 1972. 1 child, Anna.