Finzel, Lilja Marie Tobie was born on December 14, 1947 in Portland, Oregon, United States. Daughter of Richard Edward and Lily Ailin (Hakonen) Toban.
management consultant data processing executive
Finzel, Lilja Marie Tobie was born on December 14, 1947 in Portland, Oregon, United States. Daughter of Richard Edward and Lily Ailin (Hakonen) Toban.
Student, Bard College, 1966; Bachelor, Portland State University, 1969.
Data processing quality assurance officer, Western Bancorp, Portland, 1974-1978; senior programmer and analyst, United States National Bank of Oregon, Portland, 1978-1979; information security officer, United States National Bank of Oregon, Portland, 1984-1986; electronic data processing technical systems auditor, First Interstate Bank, Portland, 1979-1981; data security officer, First Interstate Bank, Portland, 1981-1984; president, Third Wave Resources, Portland, since 1983; electronic data processing audit manager, American Savings and Loan, Portland and Salt Lake City, 1986-1988; vice president, electronic data processing audit manager, American Savings and Loan, Portland and Salt Lake City, 1987-1990; vice president, information systems audit manager, United States Bancorp, since 1992. Corporation secretary A-Jax Portable Winch & Machine Company, Inc., since 1982. Member Bank Administration Institute, Chicago, 1984-1987.
1st vice president, treasurer Young Women’s Christian Association, Portland, 1980-1988, finance chairman, 1982-1985. President, 1985-1986. Member steering committee Women and Technology Symposium, Portland, 1985.
Member electronic data processing Auditors Association (president 1981-1982, assistant regional vice president 1983-1984, delegate to People's Republic of China 1986, to Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics 1990), Data Processing Management Association (board directors, awards chairman 1980-1983, committee chairman 1985-1987, treasurer since 1990, individual performance award 1984, Silver award 1986, Gold award 1989), Information Systems Security Association (recording secretary Pacific Northwest chapter 1988-1990), Toastmasters (president Portland).
Married Jack Edward Finzel, July 19, 1974.