BEDJAOUI, Mohammed was born on September 21, 1929 in Sidi-BelAbbbs. Son of Benali Bedjaoui and Fatima Oukili.
( Critiquing the United Nations' present status in relati...)
Critiquing the United Nations' present status in relation to its past performances, this book provides insight into the strengths and weakness of the system's internal operation and its human resource management. Identifying strategic issues facing the HR management of this world body and analyzing their impact on its performance, this study suggests remedies to address a widening gap and proposes measures—such as where to strengthen the system, make cutbacks, and remove duplication and overlaps—to make the entity competitive, efficient, and effective. Best practices being used by national governments are also explored and compared in the discussion, making it a useful resource for general readers as well as political, diplomatic, and international relations students, experts, and professionals.
BEDJAOUI, Mohammed was born on September 21, 1929 in Sidi-BelAbbbs. Son of Benali Bedjaoui and Fatima Oukili.
University of Grenoble, 1951, Licentiate in Law, 1956, Docteur en Droit. Institut d’Etudes Politiques, University of Grenoble, Diploma. Spoken languages: Arabic, French, English.
Member, International Law Commission, United Nations since 1965. Ambassador to France since 1970. Permanent Representative to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization since 1971.
Minister of Justice & Keeper of the Seals, Algeria, 1964-1970. Dean, Faculty of Law & Economy Science, University of Algiers, 1964-1965. President, Admin Council, Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Algériens, 1964.
Secretary General, Council of Minister, Algiers, 1962-1964. Member, Deln of Algeria to United Nations General Assembly, 1962. Director, Office of the President of National Constituent Assembly, Algiers, 1962.
Legal Counsellor, Provisional Government of Algeria, 1958-1961. Legal Counsellor of the Arab League, Geneva, 1959-1962. Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 5658.
Attorney, Court of Appeal, Grenoble, France, 1951-1953.
( Critiquing the United Nations' present status in relati...)
(In French.)
Author: International Civil Service, 1956. Fonction Publique internationale et influences nationales, 1958. La Revolution Algerienne et le Droit, 1961.Problèmes récents de Succession d'Etats, 1970. Non-alignement et droit international, 1976. Pour un nouvel ordre economique international, 1978.Contributor articles to professional journals.
Société Française pour le Droit International. Senegal Group, Permanent Court of Arbitration. Honorary Member: Association des Auditeurs et Anciens Auditeurs, Hague Academy of International Law.
Married Leila Francis, October 21, 1962. Children: Amal, Assia.