Fleming, Mack Gerald was born on May 3, 1932 in Hartwell, Georgia, United States. Son of Mack Judson and Dessie Leola (Vickery) Fleming.
Fleming, Mack Gerald was born on May 3, 1932 in Hartwell, Georgia, United States. Son of Mack Judson and Dessie Leola (Vickery) Fleming.
Bachelor of Science, Clemson University, South Carolina, 1956. Juris Doctor, American University, Washington, 1966.
Assistant director production control, Woodside Mills, Simpsonville, South Carolina., 1959-1960; administrative assistant to member Congress, 1960-1964; director, Congressional Liaison Office, VA, Washington, 1965-1968; special assistant to administrator, Congressional Liaison Office, VA, 1968-1969; administrative assistant, counsel to member congress, 1969-1970; private practice law, Washington, 1970-1974; chief counsel, Committee on Veterans Affairs, United States House of Representatives, 1974-1980; staff director and chief counsel, Committee on Veterans Affairs, United States House of Representatives, 1980-1995; private practice, Seneca, South Carolina., since 1997.
The state should not use its authority to promote any particular religious belief. It should allow people practice their own religious convictions.
In a society where self-interest and hypocrisy are often seen as dominating, the Christians should nurture and promote values and purposes that are beyond us.
Served to First lieutenant United States Army, 1956-1958. Member District of Columbia, South Carolina. bar associations.
Married Elizabeth McClellan, March 30, 1963. Children: Katharine Lee, John McClellan.