He graduated from The Roxbury Latin School, where he is celebrated as one of its greatest athletes. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1899 and received his bachelor in law degree in 1902.
He graduated from The Roxbury Latin School, where he is celebrated as one of its greatest athletes. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1899 and received his bachelor in law degree in 1902.
In 1896 Whitman entered his first United States. National Championships at the Newport Casino and lost in the quarterfinals to Bill Larned. The following year, 1897, he again lost in the quarterfinals, this time against Harold Nisbet. Whitman is best known for this hat-trick of singles titles at the United States. National Championships.
Between 1898 and 1900, he stayed undefeated there.
In 1901 he did not compete and in the 1902 Championships he lost in the All-Comers final to Englishman Reginald Doherty. According to the Doherty brothers Malcolm Whitman and Bill Larned were at the time the best American singles players.
Whitman retired from tennis in 1902 at the age of 25. In 1932 he wrote a book on the origin of tennis titled "Tennis - Origins and Mysteries".
Singles: 3 titles
In their book R.F. and Half-Life Doherty - On Lawn Tennis (1903) multiple Wimbledon champions Reginald and Lawrence Doherty described Whitman"s playing style:
On Lawn Tennis - 1903.
Whitman was American intercollegiate singles tennis champion in 1896 and doubles champion in 1897 and 1898 as a student at Harvard University. He played on the inaugural American Davis Cup squad in 1900 and beat Englishman Arthur Gore in Boston, Master of Arts to help his United States team win the trophy. In the 1902 Davis Cup final against Great Britain in Brooklyn, New York he again contributed to his team"s win by defeating Joshua Pim and Reginald Doherty in the singles.
He was a member of the Executive Committee of the United States. National Lawn Tennis Association (USNLTA) and held management positions in several companies.