Finnemore, Marilyn Elaine was born on April 11, 1961 in Wellsville, New York, United States. Daughter of Harlan Eugene and Karyl Kaye (Kroh) Finnemore.
Finnemore, Marilyn Elaine was born on April 11, 1961 in Wellsville, New York, United States. Daughter of Harlan Eugene and Karyl Kaye (Kroh) Finnemore.
Bachelor of Science in Finance, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1984. Master of Arts in English, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1986. District Attorney in English, Idaho State University, 1993.
Editor, Perspective, Washington, 1986-1987; editor, Tuff Stuff Publs., Richmond, Virginia, 1987-1988; freelance committee consultant, Richmond, 1987-1989; fellow, Idaho State University, Pocatello, 1989-1993; instructor/professor writing, U. Maryland., College Park, 1993-1996; co-president, Mind & Media Inc., Alexandria, Virginia, since 1994.
Married Aldo Ivan Bello, June 10, 1985.