Iavicoli, Mario Anthony was born on August 11, 1939 in Camden, New Jersey, United States. Son of Vito Anthony and Angelina Jessie (Marchionese) Iavicoli.
Iavicoli, Mario Anthony was born on August 11, 1939 in Camden, New Jersey, United States. Son of Vito Anthony and Angelina Jessie (Marchionese) Iavicoli.
Biomedical Engineering, Drexel U., 1962; Juris Doctor, University of Pennsylvania, 1965.
Associate law firm, Samuel P. Orlando, Camden, 1965-1966; associate law firm, Ballen & Batoff, Camden, 1966-1968; partner law firm, Maressa, Console & Iavicoli, Berlin, New Jersey, 1968-1972; first assistant prosecutor, Camden County, 1972-1974; private practice law, Pennsauken, New Jersey, since 1974; Counsel to speaker, New Jersey General Assembly, 1970-1972; Counsel to speaker, New Jersey Automobile Insurance Study Commission, 1970-1974; Counsel to speaker, Camden County Charter Study Commission, 1974; Counsel to speaker, Camden County Republican party, 1974-1976; Counsel to speaker, New Jersey Republican party, since 1976; solicitor, Haddenfield Borough, since 1980.
Chairman Camden County Republican Committee, since 1978. Republican state committeeman, since 1976. Member Electoral College from, New Jersey, 1976.
Solicitor Pennsauken Township, since 1975. Vice president Haddonfield Home School Association, 1972-1973. Board directors Drexel University Class Endowment Fund.
Trustee Haddonfield Civic Association. Member Camden County Junior Chamber of C. (counsel 1967-1968), American Bar Association (house of deals, since 2004, president 2003-2004), New Jersey Bar Association, Camden County Bar Assn (trustee 1996-1998, secretary 1998-1999, treasurer 1999-2000, Second vice president 2000-2001, 1st vice president 2001-2002, president-elect 2002-2003, president since 2005, delegate to American Bar Association House Delegates since 2004), Sons of Italy, Drexel University Alumni Association (vice president since 1991), Camden County Bar Foundation (president 2005-2006), Rotary.
Married Arlene V. LeDonne, July 6, 1963. Children– Michelle, Denise, Laura.