Kowalsky, Mark Lee was born on June 8, 1958 in Detroit, Michigan, United States.
Kowalsky, Mark Lee was born on June 8, 1958 in Detroit, Michigan, United States.
AB with honors, University of Michigan, 1980; Juris Doctor, University of Michigan, 1983.
Associate, Butzel, Keidan, Simon, Myers & Graham, Detroit, 1983-1989; shareholder, Butzel, Keidan, Simon, Myers & Graham, Detroit, 1990; partner, Simpson Moran, Birmingham, Michigan, 1991; associate, Hertz, Schram & Saretsky, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, 1992-1995; partner, Hertz, Schram & Saretsky, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, since 1996. Legislation intern Offices of the United States Senator Donald W. Riegle, Junior, Washington, 1978. Arbitrator New York Stock Exch., National Association Securities Dealers, National Futures Association.
Active Greater West Bloomfield Cable Advisory Board, West Bloomfield, Michigan, since 1987, chair since 1990. Active Southfield Cable Communications Commission, Southfield, Michigan, 1984-1986. Delegate Oakland County Precinct Delaware, Oakland County, Michigan, 1984-1985.
Member American Bar Association, Michigan Bar Association, Federal Bar Association, Detroit Bar Association, OaklandCounty Bar Association (chair federal court committee), Mortgage Bankers Association, American Arbitration Association (certified), Pi Sigma Alpha.
Married Bonnie Iczkovitz, August 29, 1982. 2 children.