Hutner, Martin Wolff was born on January 4, 1938 in New York City. Son of Edward C. and Anne (Grapes) Hutner.
Hutner, Martin Wolff was born on January 4, 1938 in New York City. Son of Edward C. and Anne (Grapes) Hutner.
Bachelor, Queens College, 1959. Master of Arts, Pratt Institute, 1962.
Instructor fine arts Sands Point (New York ) Academy, 1963-1969. Owner Martin Hutner Interiors, New York City, since 1969.
Trustee Greenwich Village Society History Preservation, New York City, since 1985, American Printing History Association, since 1988. Member landmarks preservation committee Planning Board 2, New York, since 1975. President West 9th St Block Association, New York City, 1982-1986.
Member American Society Interior Designers. Clubs: Grolier (New York City).