Coppedge, Michael E. was born on September 25, 1962 in Joliet, Illinois, United States.
Coppedge, Michael E. was born on September 25, 1962 in Joliet, Illinois, United States.
College of Saint Francis (Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, 1984). Northern Illinois University (Juris Doctor, cum laude, 1987). Recipient, American Jurisprudence Award in Real Estate Transactions.
Working as a partner of COWLIN, UNGVARSKY, AND CURRAN. Admitted to the bar, 1987, Illinois. Major clients of MICHAEL COPPEDGE: Ormsby Motors. Incorporated.; City of Crystal Lake.
Huntley Park District: Nunda Rural Fire Protection District.
Union Fire Protection District: Farmers Home Administration. Federal National Mortgage Association.
Marengo Park District. Fox River Grove Fire Protection District.
Spring Grove Fire Protection District Wonder Lake Rre Protection District.
Richmond Township Fire Protection District. Village of Wonder Lake, References: The Home State Bank of Crystal Lake. Mitchell Buick Olds. Incorporated.
Member: McHenry County, Illinois State and American Bar Associations.