Finnis, Michael William was born on September 14, 1949 in Margate, Kent, England. Son of Neville William and Mabel Anne (Gibson) Finnis.
Finnis, Michael William was born on September 14, 1949 in Margate, Kent, England. Son of Neville William and Mabel Anne (Gibson) Finnis.
Bachelor, University Cambridge, England, 1971. Doctor of Philosophy, University Cambridge, 1974.
Higher science officer AEA, Harwell, United Kingdom, 1974-1978, senior science officer United Kingdom, 1978-1986, professional grade 1 United Kingdom, 1986-1989. Scientist Fritz-Haber-Institute, Berlin, 1988-1990. Leader theory group Max-Planck-Institute Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Germany, 1990-1995.
Professor atomistic theory of materials Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom, since 1995.
Fellow Institute Physics.
Married Viola Susanne Marten, April 12, 1990. 3 children.