Schwartz, Murray M. was born on October 5, 1942 in New York City. Son of Max and Lee (Baruch) Schwartz.
university dean humanities educator
Schwartz, Murray M. was born on October 5, 1942 in New York City. Son of Max and Lee (Baruch) Schwartz.
Bachelor, University Rochester, 1964. Master of Arts, University California-Berkeley, 1966. Doctor of Philosophy, University California-Berkeley, 1973.
Assistant professor to professor English State University of New York-Buffalo, 1968-1978, clinical assistant to associate professor psychiatry, 1976-1980, dean of colleges, 1979-1983, director Center Psychological Study of Arts, 1979-1983. Professor English University Massachusetts, Amherst, since 1983, dean humanities and fine arts, since 1983. Consultant National Endowment Humanities, 1981-1982, director summer seminar, 1980-1983, National Endowment of the Humanities Institute, 1986.
Consultant numerous university presses.
(Book by Schwartz, Professor Murray)
Member Modern Language Association (chairman psychological approaches division 1977).
Married Peggy Ann Topf, September 8, 1963. Children: Larissa, Joanna, Jennifer.