Nalcioglu, Orhan was born on February 2, 1944 in Istanbul. Son of Mustafa and Meliha N. Bachelor of Science, Robert College, Istanbul, 1966.
physics educator radiological science educator
Nalcioglu, Orhan was born on February 2, 1944 in Istanbul. Son of Mustafa and Meliha N. Bachelor of Science, Robert College, Istanbul, 1966.
Master of Science, Case Western Reserve University, 1968. Doctor of Philosophy, U. Oregon, 1970. Postdoctoral fellow department physics University of California-Davis, 1970-1971.
Research associate department physics U. Rochester, New York, 1971-1974, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1974-1976.
Senior physicist Electric and Music Industries Medical Incorporated., Northbrook, Illinois, 1976-1977. Professor departments radiological science, electrical engineering, medicine and physics University of California-Irvine, 1977, head division physics and engineering, 1985.
Director.Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Research, 1987, director Research Imaging Center,1992. Consultant United Nations, 1980-1986.
General chairman Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Nuclear science Symposium andMed.
Imaging Conference, 1996, 97.
General chairman Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Nuclear science Symposium andMed. Editor several books Physicists in Medicine, International Society Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Fellow Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (president Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, 1993-1994), American Association Physicists in Medicine, International Society Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Member Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Subspecialty: medical physics.