Garrett, Patricia Beverly was born on December 25, 1939 in Billings, Montana, United States. Daughter of George Dean and Elizabeth Mae (McNaught) Forney.
Garrett, Patricia Beverly was born on December 25, 1939 in Billings, Montana, United States. Daughter of George Dean and Elizabeth Mae (McNaught) Forney.
Bachelor of Arts Montana, 1961. Juris Doctor, Suffolk University, 1977.
Teacher French, English & American Government Edison Junior High School, Champaign, Illinois, 1962—1965. Instructional system analyst Honeywell Information Systems, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, 1969—1974. Instructor Honeywell Pty Ltd., Melbourn, Australia, 1974.
Educational consultant Honeywell Information Systems, Wellesley Hills, 1975—1980. Counsel environmental issues Commercial Union Insurance Companies, Boston, 1980—1984. Consultant Litig. Systems Inc., since 1983, associate general counsel, since 1984.
Teacher Massachusetts Corrections Institution, Norfolk, 1971—1972, Martin Luther King Junior Middle School, Dorchester, Massachusetts, 1972—1973.
Member of American Bar Association, Massachusetts Defense Lawyers Association, Massachusetts Bar Association.
Married Merrill Fredrick Garrett, June 21, 1959. Children: Cleve Fredrick, Warren Merrill.