Patrick Ambrose McLoughlin Was a Chief/Principal Dental Surgeon ,Programme Manager ,Deputy Chief Executive ,Chief Executive of NEHB, Registrar @PSI, Secretary General DoH, Chair HSE, Chair of HBT.Certified in Administration, Primary F.F.D.MBA (NUI) Fellow Council of Europe, Royal Academy Medicine; Member Irish Dental Association ,Praxiscare ROI Advisory Board/ Housing Agency and Ashbourne Chamber of Commerce.
McLoughlin, Patrick Ambrose was born on March 14, 1952 in Dublin, Ireland. Eldest son of the late Dr Michael Joseph and Mrs Maura (Hanley) McLoughlin of Francis St Ballina Co Mayo and 25 D'Alton Drive Salthill Galway. The eldest son of a former Principal Dental Surgeon of the Western Health Board and a nurse and midwife Maura McLoughlin Patrick Ambrose went on to the serve in the highest public offices in the Irish Health System as Chairperson of the HSE and Secretary General of the Department. He had important input with Government and other senior decision makers on major policy development and implementation in such areas as Healthy Ireland.Tobacco Control ,Hospital Group Development including the National Children's Hospital. Ambrose McLoughlin led and managed effectively some of the biggest scandals in the Irish Health System including the Rev Brendan Smyth and the 2major scandals in the mid to late 1990s at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda Co Louth. During Ireland's EU Presidency he supported Minister James Reilly in his very successful Presidency of the EU Council of Health Ministers.
Bachelor Dental Science, University College Dublin, 1974. Master of Business Administration, University College Cork, Ireland, 1986.
Patrick Ambrose McLoughlin a dental surgeon by profession went on to become Secretary General at the Department of Health as well as Chairperson of the HSE. He served in hugely influential senior management roles within the health sector at home and abroad in a career than spanned 40 years.
He continues to lead and serve voluntary organisations in his retirement. He is a highly valued advisor and contributes to deliberations on the future of the Health Sector in Ireland now happily out of the deepest recession in at least 2-3 generations.
He has led and managed effectively a whole range of complex and difficult challenges and crises over the last 20 years.
Joined FG after retiring from the civil and public service. Ireland need strong stable Government that can skipper us through the Brexit challenge and the huge uncertainty created by the weakest UK Government in decades. Strong firm adaptive leadership at the highest level is what is required.
Gaelic football, hurling, rugby, reading.
Married Jacinta Maria Gannon, June 19, 1976. 1 child, Stephen Ambrose.
Dental Surgeon Midland Health Board ,Principal Dental Surgeon Mid Western Health Board, Programme Manager, Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Executive North Eastern Health Board, Registrar and Chief Executive of the PSI the Pharma Regulator, Secretary General Department of Health ,Chairperson of the HSE, Ambassador for Healthy Ireland, Chairperson Heartbeat Trust. Chairperson National Hunt Museum and Equine Centre and member of Boards of Praxixcare, Leader and Ashbourne Chamber of Commerce - Head of Task Force on Strategic Development.