Paula Fredriksen was born on January 6, 1951, in North Kingston, Rhode Island, United States, to John Wilhelm and Erselia Lucy Fredriksen.
Paula Fredriksen
Paula Fredriksen
Paula Fredriksen
Paula Fredriksen
Paula Fredriksen
Paula Fredriksen
106 Central St, Wellesley, MA 02481, United States
In 1973, Paula received a Bachelor in History and Religion from Massachusetts Wellesley College.
Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom
Paula received a Diploma in Theology from Oxford University in England in 1974.
Princeton, NJ 08544, United States
Paula received a Doctor of Philosophy in History of Religions from Princeton University, New Jersey, in 1979.
(In this exciting book, Paula Fredriksen explains the vari...)
In this exciting book, Paula Fredriksen explains the variety of New Testament images of Jesus by exploring the ways that the new Christian communities interpreted his mission and message in light of the delay of the Kingdom he had preached. A new introduction reviews the most recent scholarship on Jesus and its implications for both history, and theology.
(Paula Fredriksen, renowned historian and author of From C...)
Paula Fredriksen, renowned historian and author of From Christ to Jesus, begins this inquiry into the historic Jesus with a fact that may be the only undisputed thing we know about him: his crucifixion.
(Augustine and the Jews sheds new light on the origins of ...)
Augustine and the Jews sheds new light on the origins of Christian anti-Semitism and, through Augustine, opens a path toward better understanding between two of the world’s great religions.
(Ancient Christians invoked sin to account for an astonish...)
Ancient Christians invoked sin to account for an astonishing range of things, from the death of God's son to the politics of the Roman Empire that worshipped him. In this book, award-winning historian of religion Paula Fredriksen tells the surprising story of early Christian concepts of sin, exploring the ways that sin came to shape ideas about God no less than about humanity.
(In this electrifying social and intellectual history, Pau...)
In this electrifying social and intellectual history, Paula Fredriksen answers this question by reconstructing the life of the earliest Jerusalem community. As her account arcs from this group’s hopeful celebration of Passover with Jesus, through their bitter controversies that fragmented the movement’s midcentury missions, to the city’s fiery end in the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, she brings this vibrant apostolic community to life. Fredriksen offers a vivid portrait both of this temple-centered messianic movement and of the bedrock convictions that animated and sustained it.
Paula Fredriksen was born on January 6, 1951, in North Kingston, Rhode Island, United States, to John Wilhelm and Erselia Lucy Fredriksen.
In 1973, Paula received a Bachelor in History and Religion from Massachusetts Wellesley College. She also has a Diploma in Theology from Oxford University in England in 1974, and a Doctor of Philosophy in History of Religions from Princeton University, New Jersey, in 1979.
In 1978, Fredriksen began her career in the Department of Religion of Princeton University as a lecturer. From 1979 to 1980 she was the Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Religious Studies at Stanford University. Later, she relocated to the University of California, Berkeley, where from 1980 to 1986 she was an assistant professor in the Department of History. Then, from 1986 to 1989, Paula worked as an associate professor in the Department of Religious Studies, of Pittsburgh University.
Later, from 1990 to 2010, Fredriksen held the position of William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of the Appreciation of Scripture at Boston University. She also was a Lady Davis Professor at Lady Davis Foundation. Currently, Paula is the William Goodwin Aurelio Chair Emerita of the Appreciation of Scripture at Boston University and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Paula Fredriksen has published widely on the social and intellectual history of ancient Christianity, and on pagan-Jewish-Christian relations in the Roman Empire. Author of Augustine on Romans (1982) and From Jesus to Christ (1988; 2000), her Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, won a 1999 National Jewish Book Award.
More recently, she has explored the development of Christian anti-Judaism, and Augustine’s singular response to it, in Augustine and the Jews: A Christian Defense of Jews and Judaism (2010); and has investigated the shifting conceptions of God and of humanity in Sin: The Early History of an Idea (2012). Her latest study, Paul: The Pagans’ Apostle (2017), places Paul’s Jewish messianic message to gentiles within the wider world of ancient Mediterranean culture.
(In this exciting book, Paula Fredriksen explains the vari...)
1988(Paula Fredriksen, renowned historian and author of From C...)
2000(Augustine and the Jews sheds new light on the origins of ...)
2008(Ancient Christians invoked sin to account for an astonish...)
2012(In this electrifying social and intellectual history, Pau...)
2018(A groundbreaking new portrait of the apostle Paul, from o...)
2017Paula was a Roman Catholic, but she later converted to Judaism.
Paula Fredriksen is a member of the North American Patristic Society, Society of Biblical Literature, American Academy of Religion, Boston Theological Institute, Institute of Christian and Jewish Studies, and Phi Beta Kappa.
Fredriksen is married to Alfred I. Tauber, professor of philosophy emeritus and Zoltan Kohn Professor of Medicine emeritus at Boston University. They have three children: Aliza Rachel, Noa Miriam and Hannah Daniella.