Tobolsky, Arthur Victor was born on May 16, 1919 in New York City. Son of William H. and Ruth (Lemanowitz) Tobolsky.
Tobolsky, Arthur Victor was born on May 16, 1919 in New York City. Son of William H. and Ruth (Lemanowitz) Tobolsky.
Bachelor of Arts (Albert Asher Green Memorial prize, John Dash Van Buren, Junior prize mathematics 1940), Columbia, 1940. Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Chemistry, Princeton, 1944.
Faculty Princeton, 1944-1972, Eugene Higgins professor of chemistry, 1960-1965, Russel Wellman Moore professor of chemistry, 1965-1972. Science consultant chemical companies. Associate editor American Scientist, 1958-1972.
Research associate Textile Research Institute, 1960-1972. Consultant editor John Wiley and Sons., 1960-1972.
Fellow American Physical Society (Ford prize 1968). Member Society Rheology (Bingham medal 1956), American Chemical Society (Witco award 1972), Sigma Xi.
Married Dorothy Epstein, January 18, 1943. Children: Margo Linda, William Harris, Steven Bennett.