Wintner, Aurel was born on April 8, 1903 in Budapest, Hungary. Son of Edward and Charlotte (Hirschfeld) Wintner.
(With this 1941 monograph, Aurel Wintner joined Poincaré, ...)
With this 1941 monograph, Aurel Wintner joined Poincaré, Birkhoff, and others in placing celestial mechanics on a sound mathematical basis. The product of many years of work by the author, it remains an extremely valuable contribution to the literature of this field. Starting with a review of dynamical operations, the treatment advances to local and non-local questions, dynamical systems, the problem of two bodies and the problem of several bodies, and an introduction to the restricted problem. Suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students of physics, the text is amply supplemented by a substantial section of notes and references in which a great deal of the historical literature from which it derives is discussed.
Astronomer mathematician university professor
Wintner, Aurel was born on April 8, 1903 in Budapest, Hungary. Son of Edward and Charlotte (Hirschfeld) Wintner.
Student of University Vienna, U. Göttingen. Doctor of Philosophy, University Leipzig, 1929.
He was one of the founders of probabilistic number theory. He received his Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Leipzig in 1928 under the guidance of Leon Lichtenstein. He taught at Johns Hopkins University.
(With this 1941 monograph, Aurel Wintner joined Poincaré, ...)
(Baltimore 1947. 4to., 185pp., wraps. Good, some stains on...)
Member faculty Johns Hopkins, since 1930, professor mathematics, since 1946. Rockefeller Foundation fellow U. Rome, 1929, Copenhagen Observatory, 1930. Member Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1937-1938.
Member Astronomische Gesellschaft, London Mathematics Society, Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Palermo Mathematical Society.
Married Doctor.