Green, Cecil Howard was born on August 6, 1900 in Manchester, England. Son of Charles Henry and Maggie (Howard) Green.
philanthropist founder of Texas Instruments
Green, Cecil Howard was born on August 6, 1900 in Manchester, England. Son of Charles Henry and Maggie (Howard) Green.
Student, University British Columbia. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1923. Master of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1924.
Doctor of Engineering, Colorado School Mines, 1953. Doctor of Science, University Tulsa, 1961. Doctor of Science, University Sydney, Australia, 1961.
Doctor of Science, University British Columbia, 1964. Doctor of Science, Southern Methodist University, 1967. Doctor of Science, University Massachusetts, 1974.
Doctor of Science, Texas Christian University, 1974. Doctor of Science, Oxford University, 1986. Doctor of Laws, Austin College, 1966.
Doctor Civil Jurisprudence, University Dallas, 1976. Doctor Commercial Science (honorary), Suffolk University, 1978. Doctor Philanthropy (honorary), Hawthorne College, 1987.
Doctor of Humane Letters (honorary), University Southern California, Los Angeles, 1990.
They were also major contributors to the Cecil H. Green Library at Stanford University, the Cecil H. & Ida Green Graduate and Professional Center at the Colorado School of Mines, the Cecil H. & Ida Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at University of California, San Diego, and the Cecil & Ida Green Building for earth sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (designed by IM Pei). Born in Whitefield, England, in 1900, Green and his family migrated to Nova Scotia, Toronto, Canada and San Francisco, United States, where he witnessed the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Green met Ida Flansburgh in 1923 while working on his master"s thesis at the General Electric Research Center in Schenectady, New New York
The company began to do electronics work during World World War II, and in 1951, the company"s name changed to Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI), and Graduate Student Instructor became a wholly owned subsidiary of TI. Green served as vice president (1941-1951), president (1951-1955) and chairman of Graduate Student Instructor (1955-1959).
He also served as vice president and director of Texas Instruments and in 1976 was named honorary director of the company. Cecil Howard Green died in 2003 at the age of 102.
The growth of TI made Green an enormously wealthy man, and he and Ida quickly set about giving his wealth away. He was given an honorary knighthood in 1991 (at age 91) by Queen Elizabeth World War II One gift was the founding of the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green branch of the University of California Systemwide Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP).
This branch is located at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
lieutenant was because of Green"s generous gift that Green College, Oxford was founded in 1979. Green College merged with Templeton College in 2008 to become Green Templeton College, on the site of what was previously Green College. Some of Green"s philanthropy at the University of British Columbia (University of British Columbia) was encouraged by William Carleton Gibson, a neurologist in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
The Greens" philanthropic efforts totalled over $200 million, and most of this money was given to education and medicine.
Trustee Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Southwest Medical Foundation. Trustee Southern Methodist University Foundation for Science and Engineering, president, 1964-1966. Trustee, past president St. Mark's School Texas.
Trustee Texas Christian University. Trustee, member executive committee Austin College. Membership committee, life member corporation, member visiting committee department physics, visiting committee earth and planetary science Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Member committee earth science Stanford. Chairman Excellence in Education Foundation. Fellow American Academy Arts and Sciences.
Member American Institute of Architects (honorary member), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (honorary member), National Academy of Sciences (honorary member), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alumni Association (president 1968-1969, honorary chairman San Diego section 1995), American Association Petroleum Geologists (honorary 1993), Society Exploration Geophysicists (honorary life member, past president, Kaufman medal 1966, Maurice Ewing medal 1978), American Association Petroleum Geologists (Human Needs medal 1974, honorary member 1993), European Association Exploration Geophysicists, Mexico Association Petroleum Geoplogists, American Geophysical Union (honorary, Waldo E. Smith Medal, 1995), Texas Association Graduate Education and Research (honorary chairman), Dallas Geological Society (honorary life), Dallas Geophysical Society (honorary life), Knight of the British Empire (honorary 1991), Explorers Club. Clubs: Dallas Country, Dallas Petroleum. La Jolla (California) Country.
Married Ida M. Flansburgh, February 6, 1926.