Caflisch, Russel Edward was born on April 29, 1954 in Charleston, West Virginia, United States. Son of Edward George and Dorothy Gail Caflisch.
Caflisch, Russel Edward was born on April 29, 1954 in Charleston, West Virginia, United States. Son of Edward George and Dorothy Gail Caflisch.
Bachelor of Science, Michigan State University, 1975; Master of Science, New York University, 1977; Doctor of Philosophy, New York University, 1978.
Visiting member of faculty, New York University, 1978-1979; assistant professor, New York University, 1983-1984; associate professor, New York University, 1984-1988; professor, New York University, 1988-1989; assistant professor, Stanford (California) U., 1979-1982; professor, University of California at Los Angeles, since 1989. Consultant Naval Studies Board, Washington, 1990, Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, Virginia, 1985-1990. Principal investigator URI Center for Analysis of Heterogeneous and Nonlinear Media, New York City, 1986-1989.
Married Margo Thole, June 2, 1984.