Pickle, Linda Williams was born on July 19, 1948 in Hampton, Virginia, United States. Daughter of Howard Taft and Kathryn Lee Williams.
Pickle, Linda Williams was born on July 19, 1948 in Hampton, Virginia, United States. Daughter of Howard Taft and Kathryn Lee Williams.
Bachelor, Johns Hopkins University, 1974; Doctor of Philosophy in Biostats., Johns Hopkins University, 1977; postgraduate, George Washington University, 1986-1987.
Computer programmer, Commercial Credit Computer Corporation, Baltimore, 1966-1969; systems analyst, computer programmer, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, 1969-1972; graduate teaching assistant biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1974-1977; adjunct assistant professor division biostatistics and epidemology, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, 1983-1988; associate professor division biostats and epidemiology, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, 1988-1991; director biostatistics unit, V.T. Lombardi Cancer Research Center, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, 1988-1991; biostatistician National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland., 1977-1988; mathematics statistician office research methodology, National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, Maryland., since 1991.
Senior troop leader Girl Scouts United States, 1981-1983. Science fair judge, 1983-1993. Member The Biometric Society, American Statistical Association, Society Epidemiologic Research, Society Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Sigma Delta Epsilon (president Omicronchpt.
1984), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi.
1 child from previous marriage, Diane Marie. Married James B. Pearson, Junior, October 14, 1984.