TER-ASTVATSATURYAN, iosif was born on May 1, 1886.
TER-ASTVATSATURYAN, iosif was born on May 1, 1886.
1912 graduate Saint St. Petersburg Institute of Transport Engineer.
From 1912 worked on various civil engineering projects, including bridges, a wharf in Saratov, et cetera 1922-1925 deputy head Arm Supreme Economic Council.
And director of construction, Shirak Irrigation Canal. 1928-1933 directed construction of Dzora Hydroelectr Plant, Armenia’s first major hydroelectr plant. From 1932 head, Arm Branch, Hydropower Design Organisation
1931 drafted plan for utilizing the waters of the high-altitude Lake Sevan. Directed construction of Sevan-Razdan barrage of hydroelectr power plants. Member, Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics Central Executive Committee of three convocations.