Hart, Archibald Chapman was born on February 27, 1873 in Lennoxville, Petroquest Energy, Canada. Son of Ruben M. and Caroline Isabel (Antrobus) Hart.
Hart, Archibald Chapman was born on February 27, 1873 in Lennoxville, Petroquest Energy, Canada. Son of Ruben M. and Caroline Isabel (Antrobus) Hart.
P.S., Hackensack, 1887. Study of Law.
Admitted to New Jersey bur, 1896, and Supreme Court of the United States Court, 1910. Member of law. firm of Hart & Vandewart. Banker, publisher and real estate operator.
Prosecutor pleas, Bergen County, New Jersey, 1920-1930. Director Bogota National Bank and various manufacturing and financial concerns.
Member, Hart and Vanderwart. Member. State Democrat Committee, 1908. Chosen Delegate to National Democrat Convention at Denver.
Elected to House of Representative, 5 District, 6 District. New Jersey, 62, 63, 64 Congresses. Member, Committee on District of Columbia.
Chairman, SubComm. of Labor, Washington Member, Naval Affairs Committee Member, 23 Regiment, New York, New Jersey, volunteeered for service in Spanish- American War, 1898, with Company G, Second Lieutenant Volunteer Infantry, New Jersey Secretary General Fitzhugh Lee’s Corps Headquarters, in charge of Clerical force Division Headquarters, 7 Corps, Jacksonville. Special Advisory Committee, Chairman. Bergen Company Branch of Minute Men, during World War.
Director, various corporations. Member of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Shrine; Elks; Odd Fellows.
Foresters; Community Council (President). John Engel Camp. Spanish War Veterans. New Jersey. Bergen Company Bar Associations Clubs: Canadian, New York Athletic, Walkill Valley Hunt, Canadian Society.
Wawonaissa Adirondacks, Adirondacks, Hackensack Boat, Hackensack Golf, Areola Country. Oritani Field.
Member, Hart and Vanderwart. Member. State Democratic Committee, 1908. Chosen Delegate to National. Democratic Convention at Denver. Elected to House of Representative, 5 District, 6 District. New Jersey, 62, 63, 64 Congresses. Member, Comm, on District of Columbia. Chairman, SubComm. of Labor, Washington Member, Naval Affairs Committee Member, 23 Regiment, New York, New Jersey, volunteeered for service in Span.- American War, 1898, with Company G, Second Lieutenant Volunteer Infantry, New Jersey Secretary General Fitzhugh Lee’s Corps Headquarters, in charge of Clerical force Division Headquarters, 7 Corps, Jacksonville. Special Advisory Committee, Chairman. Bergen Company Branch of Minute Men, during World War. Director, various corporations. Member of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Shrine; Elks; Odd Fellows. Foresters; Community Council (President). John Engel Camp. Span. War Veterans; New Jersey. Bergen Company Bar Associations Clubs: Canadian, New York Athletic, Walkill Valley Hunt, Canadian Society. Wawonaissa Adirondacks, Adirondacks, Hackensack Boat, Hackensack Golf, Areola Country.
Spouse Lily L. Fenwick, East Orange, June 4, 1901.