Read, Albert Cushing was born on March 29, 1887 in Lyme, New Hampshire, United States. Son of Joseph Brown and Mary Elizabeth (Barker) Read.
Read, Albert Cushing was born on March 29, 1887 in Lyme, New Hampshire, United States. Son of Joseph Brown and Mary Elizabeth (Barker) Read.
Graduated from the United States Naval Academy, 1906 (in class of 1907).
Ensign, September 16, 1908. Lieutenant, junior grade, September 16, 1911. Lieutenant, July 1, 1913.
Lieutenant commander, August 31, 1917. Commander, September 23, 1919. Detailed to naval aviation, July 8, 1915.
During World War, commanding officer Naval Air Station, Bayshore, New York, Miami, Florida, and in Aviation Section Navy Department until detailed for projected flight across the Atlantic. In charge N C-4 seaplane, in trip from Rockaway, New York, to Plymouth, England, via Azores, Portugal and Spain, in 57 hours and 16 minutes flying time, May 1919. This was the first flight in aircraft across the Altantic Ocean.
Through The Lord’s Supper, or Holy Communion, the bread and cup symbolize the broken body and shed blood offered by Christ recall God’s great love for people. As they did for the disciples on the eve of Christ’s crucifixion.
Represented in Baptist churches are equally diverse worship styles, cultural mores and approaches to Scriptural interpretation. The resulting challenges and opportunities have made the believers stronger —through fellowship, respect, mutual support and dialog, all based on a belief that unity in Christ involves growth and understanding.
Every individual should try to be open to others and willing to be changed. Therefore, community members should meet regularly in order to open their hearts. Share their knowledge, thoughts and experience.
Member of Naval History Society. Reade Society Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington, District of Columbia), New York Yacht, Seawanhaka Yacht, Chevy Chase (Maryland).
Married Bess Anderson Burdine, January 30, 1918. Children: Albert Cushing, Bess Burdine.