Tyschtschenko, Petro Taras was born on April 16, 1943 in Vienna. Son of Boris and Magdalena (Schmerlaib) Tyschtschenko.
Tyschtschenko, Petro Taras was born on April 16, 1943 in Vienna. Son of Boris and Magdalena (Schmerlaib) Tyschtschenko.
The family later moved to Bavaria in Germany, where Petro went to school and did his armed service in the German Bundeswehr in 1966. Tyschtschenko first came into contact with Commodore in 1982, when he saw a job advertisement in a newspaper. Salomon+Schimmelmann, a German headhunter company, was looking for a new business administrator for Commodore.
Tyschtschenko immediately signed up for a job interview, but was not hired.
However, he later received a telephone call from Harald Speyer, the director of Commodore"s German market, saying he would want to hire Tyschtschenko as a business administrator and wanted him to start as soon as possible. Tyschtschenko immediately resigned from his current job at the company Adressograph-Multigraph and joined Commodore the next day.
Tyschtschenko later became the director of logistics for the whole European market at Commodore, responsible for the sales and delivery of Commodore VIC-20s and Commodore 64s all over Germany and other European countries. After Commodore bought the new computer start-up company Amiga Corporation, Tyschtschenko"s duties expanded to the Amiga line as well.
Tyschtschenko is no longer professionally employed in the Amiga market.
He has founded his own consulting company Power Service GmbH. Even though Tyschtschenko no longer works with Amigas, he is still active in the Amiga user and fan community, visiting numerous Amiga club meetings all over the world every year. Some Amiga users and fans have remarked that "what Bill Gates is to Microsoft, Petro Tyschtschenko is to the Amiga". After an appearance at Amiga: 30 years in Amsterdam (an event to celebrate the 30th birthday of the Amiga computer), Tyschtschenko announced the sale of his Commodore/Amiga Technologies collection.
Lieutenant German Army Reserve, 1963-1965.
Married Erika Margaretha Neumann, September 4, 1970. Children: Tanja, Taras.