Enos, Randall was born on January 30, 1936 in New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Eugene and Isabel (Da Costa) Enos.
Enos, Randall was born on January 30, 1936 in New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Eugene and Isabel (Da Costa) Enos.
Student, Boston Museum School Fine Arts, 1954-1955.
Art teacher Famous Artists Schools, Inc., Westport, Connecticut, 1956-1964. Film designer Pablo Ferro Films, Incorporated, New York York City, 1964-1966. Free-lance illustrator and film designer Westport, since 1966.
Part-time teacher Parsons School Design, New York City, 1975-1984. Lecturer, teacher Syracuse University.
Member Society of Illustrators.
Married Leann Walker, June 23, 1956.