Brown, Raymond Lloyd was born on November 3, 1958 in New Orleans. Son of Raymond Lloyd Branch.
Brown, Raymond Lloyd was born on November 3, 1958 in New Orleans. Son of Raymond Lloyd Branch.
Mississippi State University (Bachelor of Science, cum laude, 1980). Louisiana State Unversity (Juris Doctor, Member, Louisiana Law Review, 1981-1983.
Working as a partner of RUNDELL. Admitted to the bar, 1983, Louisiana, Supreme Court of Louisiana, United States. District Court, Western and Middle Districts of Louisiana, United States. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit and United States.
Supreme Court.
Contributor articles to law review, 1982-1983.
Alexandria, Louisiana State (Chairperson, High School Essay Contest Committee, 19881989. Member, Sections on Insurance, Negligence, Compensation and Admirality Law) and American Bar Associations. Bar Association of the Fifth Federal Circuit.
The Defense Research Institute, Inc. Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel. Crossroads-American Inn of Court of AlexandriaPineville (Barrister, since 1990).
Insurance Defense and Products Liability Law.
Married Virginia Louise Brown, June 19, 1985.