Flood, Richard G. was born on April 11, 1949 in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Flood, Richard G. was born on April 11, 1949 in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
University of Illinois (Bachelor of Arts, with honors, 1978. Special Assistant Attorney General, since 1983. Member McHenry County (President, 1986-1987) and Illinois State (Member, Local Government Law Section Council) Bar Associations.
Worked at Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle. Admitted to the bar, 1976, Illinois, United States. District Court, Northern District of Illinois and United States.
Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
1982, Federal Trial Bar. Law Clerk, Appellate Court, State of Illinois, 1976-1978.
Special Assistant Attorney General, 1983. Author: "Photography in Illinois Litigation," Illinois Bar Journal (May, 1978), Volume 1.66, Number.
9; "Questions and Answers About Intergovernmental Agreements," Illinois Bar Journal (March, 1997).
"A Case for Equal Treatment," Illinois Municipal Review (December, 1983). "Naperville Revisited?," Local Government Law (April, 1991). "What Constitutes an Indirect Interest Under the Corrupt Practices Acting," Local Government Law (June, 1992).
"Impact Fees: the Story Continues," Local Government Law (February, 1993).
"The River Bend Decision And How lieutenant Affects Municipalities" Personnel Rules And Regulations," Illinois Municipal Review (June, 1993). "Municipal Regulation of Cable Television Under the 1992 Acting," Illinois Municipal Review (November, December, 1993).
"Consumer Protection and Customer Service Under the 1992 Cable Acting," Illinois Municipal Review (January, 1994). "Franchising Issues Under the 1992 Cable Acting," Illinois Municipal Review (February, 1994).
"Federal Communication Commission Cable Television Regulation," Local Government Law (February, 1994).
"The Appropriation and Levy Process," Local Government Law (November, 1994). Tax Trends (May 1995). Cable Rate Regulation Update, Local Government Law (April 1995).
"Legal Holidays and Special Meetings," Local Government Law (April, 1996).
"Notwithstanding Any Other Law to the Contrary." Local Government Law (June, 1996). Community Development and Municipal Revenues, Local Government Law Section, Illinois State Bar Association Law Editor Series (October 26, 1992).
School Impact Fee Update, Local Government Law, Volume 33, Number. 3 (October, 1996); "Meeting by Teleconference," Illinois Municipal Review (October, 1996).
Municipal Attorney: Village of Lake in the Hills, 1977.
Village of Johnsburg, 1983. Village of Lakewood, 1984. Village of Lake in the Hills Police Commission, 1981-1984.
Village of Bulletin Valley, 1988.
Village of Hebron, 1988-1994. Village of West Dundee, 1994.
Member, Board of Directors, Family Services and Community Mental Health Center for McHenry County, 1979-1986 (President, 1981-1986). Member: McHenry County (President, 1986-1987) and Illinois State (Member: Local Government Law Section Council, 1990-1996, Chairman, 1994-1995.
Assembly, 1996and Federal Communication Commission Bar Associations.
Illinois Municipal League (Member, Legislative Committee, 1993).
Member, Board of Directors, Family Services and Community Mental Health Center for McHenry County, 1979-1986 (President, 1981-1986). Member: McHenry County (President, 1986-1987) and Illinois State (Member: Local Government Law Section Council, 1990-1996, Chairman, 1994-1995. Assembly, 1996and Federal Communication Commission Bar Associations.
Illinois Municipal League (Member, Legislative Committee, 1993).